Parthenon vs. Pantheon

Posted On November 1, 2009

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Roman Architecture both borrowed from and distinguished itself from Greek Architecture. The similarities and differences between the two are visible in the Greek Parthenon, which was being built from 447 until 432 B.C.E., and the Roman Pantheon, which was built in 125 C.E.

The two buildings do share some similarities. They were both temples; the Parthenon was built during Pericle’s reign and was dedicated to Athena, and the Pantheon was built as a temple for all the gods of Ancient Rome. The Pantheon’s exterior was definetely influenced by Greek architecture, using both columns and pediments. The Parthenon also has those architectural features present. Their doors are also both made with bronze. The interiors of the two buildings are also similar because they both are very open and spacious. In addition, they are similar because the Romans borrowed the Greeks frequent use of geometry because the Pantheon is a perfect sphere. The architects of the Parthenon also used geometry because the building is rectangular. Lastly, Both of the buildings appear to have used metopes in their exterior. Although these two buildings share some similarities, but also are quite different.

The Pantheon and the Parthenon also differ in many ways. The Parthenon was built by the Greeks in Athens, much earlier than when the Pantheon was built by the Romans. The Parthenon is rectangular shaped and the Pantheon is a perfect sphere. In addition, the columns of the Pantheon are all one piece and made of granite, while the Doric columns of the Parthenon are made of marble. Another thing that is a significant feature of the Pantheon that is not present on the Parthenon is an open circle on the top. The open circle on the top of the dome of the Pantheon allows light to shine into the structure. The Parthenon and the Pantheon differ in several ways.

The Parthenon and Pantheon are both well known structures of their time period. The Parthenon is a prime example of the Greek’s magnificent architecture, and the Pantheon shows how Roman architecture is both similar and different to that of the Greeks.

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